It’s Beautiful: A Life Pep Talk
I am so fucking happy to be alive.
A buzzing spreads about my body from my gut and I can’t help but let the smile grow across my cheeks. I want to cry, I am crying.
This life is such a beautiful gift and I get to open it up every single day. Every moment is a new wonder and I fall in love with everyone I meet. It’s Christmas all the time. Tuesdays are as beautiful as Saturdays. A hug is as awesome as the Taj Mahal. Dancing is non-negotiable. I dance because I have no interest in restricting my joy and don’t your feet sometimes tap unprovoked to the beat?
I sit alone and give myself a mental hug as I smile like an idiot just completely stunned by it all. That feeling when tears spring to your eyes because of all the beauty in the world — you know it, or have known it. Never suppress that feeling. In that moment, take a deep breath and let the emotions well up and over you, through you and the feeling will be better than any drug.
Go. Dance in the flames and watch the light rise from the dust when you’re done. You are alive. Love, and be loved. Suppress no joy.
Live urgently, for we know only that nothing is permanent.
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