Do something awesome.

Kate Manser
2 min readOct 19, 2018


Hey, let me tell you a secret: You are in control of your life. You call your own shots. Quick — answer this — what’s important to you?

That first thing that popped into your mind is where you should start. It doesn’t have to be huge, though it can be. For me, I want to travel the world and write a book and make sure the people I love know I do. But maybe it’s your kids that are most important to you. Great. So choose them. Do something crazy — surprise them one day by staying home from work and having an adventure day with them. Start small. Or start big. Just start somewhere. I want you to feel a sense of control over your life. I want you to make a single conscious decision to do something that is in alignment with your soul. You can do it; I know you can.

Imagine you’re on your deathbed, thinking about the life you’ve lived. How do you feel? What do you regret? Whatever that thing is that gives you that sick feeling of regret in the pit of your stomach on your deathbed because you didn’t do it, do that fucking thing. Now, or at the very least, soon. Make a plan.

You get one wild and precious life. Do something awesome with it.

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Kate Manser
Kate Manser

Written by Kate Manser

If you’re reading this, it means we both woke up today. What a gift.

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